Master Thesis: “Development of a quality control method for Liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) via LC-MS”

Start: The start of the project is flexible, but desired to be Feb 2023.

Location: Jülich


Hydrogen is a key molecule for large scale energy storage and the decarbonization of hard to abate sectors. Within this cosmos liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) are a promising technique for long distance hydrogen transport or long-term hydrogen storage.

Master Thesis: “Development of a quality control method for Liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) via LC-MS”
HI ERN/Julian Henseler

In the LOHC system the organic hydrogen carrier allows for pressure free and uncomplicated hydrogen transport and works like a reusable bottle. However, after many hydrogen storage and release cycles a small amount of carrier molecules degrades. We are aiming to understand the degradation process and degradation products. Therefore, a robust and easy quality control of the LOHC is essential.

Your profile

You are interested in the renewable energy sector and analytical chemistry. You work clean and reliable in the lab. You have understanding of statistical data evaluation. Ideally you have experience in LC-MS.

Your tasks

  • Literature research and practical training on the instrument
  • LC-MS Method development and optimization using a DoE approach
  • Validation of the developed method
  • Data Acquisition and processing of real-world samples

We offer

Outstanding working conditions in a young and interdisciplinary team with a lot of freedom for your own ideas. Additionally, we offer close and direct mentoring during your thesis and the most recent, high end analytical equipment.


Gebäude BrainergyPark /
Raum 5025
+49 2461/61-4360

Letzte Änderung: 11.01.2023