Mastering the recycling flood

In the coming years, many photovoltaic systems and wind turbines around the world will be thrown away due to their age. But the raw materials they contain are far too valuable for that. They could also be fed into the circular economy. In the current issue of "effzett", HI ERN researcher Dr. Ian Marius Peters and other scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich explain the creative approaches they are taking.

Der Recycling-Flut Herr werden
Illustration „Bernd Struckmeyer“

In the C2C-PV project, which is funded by the European Research Council ERC with two million euros, HI ERN scientist Dr. Ian Marius Peters is testing alternative processes for recycling solar systems. He has started with a special type of cell whose components can be separated from each other more easily: perovskite solar cells. With the help of metal-organic compounds, they convert sunlight into electricity particularly efficiently, relative to the thickness of the active layer. They also offer another advantage: they are easy to manufacture. Like a sandwich, they are made up of individual layers that can be assembled into a cell using standard printing processes.

In an interview with effzett - the magazine of Forschungszentrum Jülich, the solar expert explains how renewable energy can be developed into truly sustainable energy on this basis.


Dr. Ian Marius Peters

Gruppenleiter "Hoch­durch­satz Cha­rakter­isierung und Modell­ierung für die PV"

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    Last Modified: 04.07.2024