X-ray spectroscopy at interfaces of thin films (HZB)


The research department "X-ray spectroscopy at interfaces of thin films" is renowned for combining different lab- and synchrotron-based photon-in – electron-out and photon-in – photon-out spectroscopic methods to interrogate the chemical and electronic structure of energy conversion materials and thin-film layer stacks, with a particular focus on photovoltaics. The core expertise of the research department is to non-destructively reveal composition and electronic structure profiles by deliberately employing different spectroscopies excited with soft and/or hard x-rays.

In the future, Prof. Bär wants to establish the infrastructure for in-situ and operando investigations on (photo)electrocatalytic materials within the HI ERN´s research department.

In a joint procedure, HZB and FAU appointed Marcus Bär head of „X-ray spectroscopy at interfaces of thin films“ at HI ERN. The position is associated with a professorship at the FAU.

Research Topics

Further information on research activities, analytical methods, publications, and staff can be found on Prof. Bär´s website at HZB.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Bär
Head of Research Department
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 8062 15641
E-Mail: marcus.baer@helmholtz-berlin.de

Last Modified: 18.07.2022