HI ERN as an employer

In addition to exciting tasks and a collegial atmosphere, we offer you much more!

Dual career support

HI ERN is member of the Dual Career network Northern Bavaria. The objective of the network members is to win and retain top academic professionals who are thinking about relocating to northern Bavaria with their partner. The network supports these dual career couples and helps both partners to find a suitable placement and continue their careers and offers comprehensive information on relocating to northern Bavaria.

Advice and support for employees who care for a family member

Reconciling a career with caring for a family member is increasingly becoming a problem for employees. Forschungszentrum Jülich offers advice, support, and networking opportunities for employees who take care of a family member.

Flexible working hours

Finding personal solutions to the challenge of combining family and career requires parents and those caring for a family member to be flexible and to plan smartly. HI ERN supports its employees with smart working time arrangements.

Last Modified: 01.07.2024