Kopernicus projects
In the "Kopernicus projects for the Energiewende", science, business and civil society jointly develop technological and economic solutions for the conversion of the energy system. It is the largest research initiative on energy system transformation. The four major Kopernikus projects "New network structures", "Power-to-X", "Industrial processes" and "System integration" are to produce results for new energy concepts over a period of ten years starting in 2016.
The HI ERN is involved in the "Power-to-X" (P2X) project. P2X refers to technologies that convert electricity generated from renewable sources into physical energy stores, energy carriers, and energy-intensive chemical products. Energy from renewable sources can then be used in the form of made-to-measure fuels for motor vehicles or in improved plastics and chemical products with high added-value.
The official Kopernikus website informs you about the four projects, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.